The Eight Fold Path Joshua Tree Retreat 1 25-Feb-06
Bhante shares his perspective and understanding of the Buddha’s 8 Fold path in a little different way than most teachers. Instead of the RIGHT or wrong path, the correct understanding is a “Harmonious” mixing of path factors that all support the seeker’s progress down the path to awakening.
Stories include:
- Bhante helped a friend in Hawaii build a house and was treated poorly, like a worker and this made him angry, but when he changed his perspective to the situation it completely changed his mental attitude. When you are angry and you make yourself laugh, you change your attitude immediately.
- Taking Exams in Malaysia and changing a students perspective from nervous and anxious to uplifted and tranquil creates the joyful space to pass the tests, rather than fail them from worry and anxiety.
- Changing your perspective about your job from boring to interesting. Story about bean counting.
- Right thought is not right thinking but rather “right imaging” in your mind.
- Right Speech is Harmonious Communication not only with others but with yourself! Criticism, self-judgement, negative thoughts.
- Harmonious lifestyle (Right Livelihood) is not so much about what you do but your mental perspective to how you do it. Being in harmony with your actions. Be careful what you think and ponder on…Story about girl in Malaysia with bad dreams.
- Hospitals and compassion, Pilot with terminal cancer, Grocery store lines, The gloom after 9-11 and smiling. Story about Munindra.
- Right Effort is better described as Harmonious Practice. Consistent Practice. Mirrors, Determination to wake up happy.
- Right Mindfulness or Harmonious Collectedness. Tranquility vs. Absorption practice.